Simply click on your region on the map below to find your Pests and Weeds

Greater Wellington Pest Hub

Hawke's Bay Pest Hub

NRC Pest Hub

Gisborne Pest Hub

Environment Southland Pest Hub

Group 74
Group 73
Group 72
Group 71
Group 69
Group 70

Welcome To "Pests and Weeds Central"

New Zealand's Information Centre For All Things Pests or Weeds.

A huge database created, maintained, shared and updated by New Zealand's Regional Councils and the Department of Conservation

An educational resource for schools, conservation groups and businesses, and a reference guide for land owners, boat users and the general public. Learn to identify, control and report unwanted organisms so we can protect our ecosystem for the next generation. 

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Information for Councils

A Pest and Weeds Hub for your Council 

Integrate Pests and Weeds into your Council site
Most councils choose to include their Pest Hub as part of their main website. Alternatively, your Pest and Weeds information can stand alone as a separate site.
Style your Pest Hub to match your brand
Your Council's stylesheet can override the basic Pest Hub styling, allowing your Pest Hub to match your Council's colour scheme, button styling and other branding. Viewers can print a PDF version of the information about a specific organism. This PDF can also be styled to match your branding.
Share our comprehensive database
Select from a shared database of images and information. You can upload further content to share with other participating Councils. Names and categories of organisms are standardised across all Councils to ensure recognition of species is consistent across New Zealand (changes can be made by consensus). Other information can be edited to suit your own Council's situation and regulations.
04 Proper
Allow website users to search the Pest Hub.
A search of the Pest Hub can be included in a search of the Council site it is embedded in. Pest Hub results can be included in your site map and exposed to Google and other search engines. This will make it easier for internet users to find the information they are looking for.

Get Involved Today!

Pest & Weed Central is improving
New Zealand's Land, Water & Environment

Himalayan Wineberry
"Himalayan wineberry is a prickly bramble shrub that looks very similar to blackberry and other bramble species and can grow from 1 to 4 meters tall. Himalayan wineberry is listed as one of the world’s 100 worst invasive species because of its negative impact on natural or managed forests, grasslands, rural and urban areas. Source: Ministry for Primary Industries.
Weed Of The Month
Himalayan Wineberry
Rainbow lorikeet
"Rainbow lorikeets (Trichoglossus haematodus) compete with native birds by dominating their food sources and nesting sites. They pose a threat to New Zealand’s native honeyeaters such as tui and bellbirds, as they compete for the same food sources. From 2008 (an) eradication programme was managed under the National Interest Pest Response (NIPR) Programme led by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) in partnership with DOC. The aim of the NIPR rainbow lorikeet programme was to eradicate the birds from the wild. This was achieved in 2014. Continued monitoring by DOC ensures no further breeding populations become established in the wild. Source: Ministry for Primary Industries.
Animal Of The Month
Rainbow Lorikeet

Our Partners

Our Partners in cleaning up New Zealand

Additional Information

Useful Initiatives To Help Keep New Zealand Beautiful

Biosecurity Haumaru koiora If harmful pests and diseases get into New Zealand, they can cause damage. Biosecurity focuses on stopping them at the border or getting rid of the ones already here.
Biosecurity New Zealand
Beach Vacation
What we do Established in April 2009, the Sustainable Coastlines Charitable Trust is a multi award-winning New Zealand charity that exists to connect people to nature and inspire change.
Sustainable Coastlines
Man With Bag And Walking Stick
Predator Free 2050 Limited is a Crown-owned, charitable company established to help deliver the New Zealand government’s ambitious goal of eradicating possums, stoats and rats by 2050.
Predator Free New Zealand 2050

Join Pest & Weed Central Today

If your Council would like to join Pest & Weed Central, or you have ideas on how we can improve our service, we would love to hear from you. 

Our Address
Level 1, 122 Kerrs Road, Wiri
Our Phone
021 242 5866
Our Email